Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mi Coffee Es Su Coffee

I've long had suspicions about the effects sugar has on my cheery, good-natured personality. Today was not only the first real test of my Endurance (capitalized for effect) but also a shocking look at what the next few months could bring. My mom, sister#1, and I were driving home from a (:insert event:) and sister#1 had the bright idea to grab some Starbucks via drive-thru.

Wait.. I forgot to set up the scene for you. I'm the one driving.

Okay, back to they story. Mom had a headache so she decided caffeine was a good idea (I know, I'm still trying to figure that out too), so we pulled around the side of the Starbucks building, narrowly missing the ordering-microphone-thingy (then I over compensated and swung so far around the building that I had to put the car in park to lean out and grab the drinks from the window.) But none of that is important to the story (nor is the fact that we used THREE separate gift cards to pay for the purchase). What's important is that I had to special order two delicious drinks knowing I wouldn't be getting any for myself. I then had to hand the drinks to sister#1 and my mom. Not a single sip.

I was feeling pretty proud of myself when I drove away from the Starbucks, nearly running the red light directly across from the store (coffee shop? I don't know how to refer to Starbucks in slang terminology yet.)

Unfortunately, the "sugar drive" was having a bad effect on my system. I could feel myself getting cranky; I wanted to speed up on the highway, to cut across the double yellow-lines just because; I wanted to listen to country music! Things were looking bleak.

(I should mention that I have a horrific reputation as a driver.)

That's when my mom, already suffering from a headache, managed to glimpse the brake lights ahead of us before I did. Between throbbing head pains, caffeine, and the "Mother Instinct" she developed an overwhelming need to begin screaming unintelligibly (I vaguely recall making out the word "brake"). Red lights blurred together on the highway like raspberries in a delicious tart. Next thing I knew I was crying and mom was fuming and sister#1 was laughing somewhat maniacally, clutching her caramelized grande Java Chip frappeccino.

Folks, it's going to be a long Summer.

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