Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chocolate Nightmares

I'll be honest. I've been avoiding this blog. On purpose. No regrets. . . Actually, I do have regrets - I'm way behind.

Truthfully, I've been having chocolate-covered nightmares (believe it or not, they're real.)
On more than one night (three to be exact) in the past week and a half I have dreamt (which spellcheck is telling me isn't a real word -- ironically, it's also saying 'spellcheck' isn't a real word) I was eating some kind of chocolate. The first night it was a snickers bar and all my friends were mocking me for woosing out on my no sugar deal. The second and third times they were just huge slabs of chocolate that I DEVOURED. And the whole time I felt terrible because I was eating sugar when I shouldn't be!

And then I woke up.

I think the "troublesome" "inconvenient" and "painful" stages have past - we are now in "crazy as in 'INSANE' and you are going to become mentally unstable."

Over the next few days I will (hopefully) catch you up on some good stories. Then I will depart for the Czech Republic on a 3-week mission's trip. I will continue my no soda/no sugar thingy there (with discretion: if it's culturally related, I might bend the rule seeing as I'll probably never be in Czech again.)

When I return I will crank up the burners for the last two weeks! I will go HARDCORE! I will enforce my no snacks/no seconds portion (which I have not been enforcing ... AT ALL this month) and I will scratch the "conscience line" and just not eat anything with sugar in it at all. including cereal. and bread. . . maybe. I don't know about bread yet. We'll see.

ANYWAY. It's going to be big. Just wait.

Till then, sweet dreams.

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